Blu Room Calgary

Experience the Blu Room , an environment that has the potential to augment one’s state of creative focus and uplift one’s mind, body and spirit.

Blu Room Calgary

What is the Blu Room?

The Blu Room can create a calming atmosphere that insulates you from your every day stresses. Its patent pending technology uses UVB light therapy, gentle vibration and soothing sound that can improve your well-being and provide relief from physical pain.

Book Your Appointment Today!

Who Should Use the Blu Room?

The Blu Room is useful for anyone who wants to step out of their daily environment. Users who have suffered from anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder to cancer, have reported a wide range of benefits.

What do Blu Room Users Experience?

Each individual experiences the Blu Room differently — many describe it as being deeply relaxing and uplifting, relieving them of their daily stresses and pain.